Close your eyes and walk barefoot on the floors of the series #ORIGINE, you will have the feeling of being catapulted to Mount Etna, 3,350 meters above sea level, the highest active volcano in Europe, that will give you the inner energy and the harmony you need to cope with everyday life...

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The decoration in the series #NATURA, is widely based on nature;
The stylization of the decoration results in a balanced combination of human art and the perfection of nature , showing how balance between man and nature can be achieved in different ways and gives serenity to those who experience it.

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The series #COLORI, is the result of an incessant search for modernity. The aim of our art teachers, as well as of the team of Terra D'Arte, is to go beyond the habits, not working only on lava stone as a natural and resistant material, but trying to create an outstanding unique product, that is not the result of emulation or reinterpretations of other products on the MARKET ... a product that aims at conveying a sense of uniqueness, and expresses all our love and our passion in doing our works, for those who choose to experience the reality of ETNAFEEL.

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For those who are constantly looking for quality, strength, art and modernity, all in a single environment, we have created an exclusive product, thanks to highly resistant glazes, on Etna lava stone that is an excellent support as far as resistance is concerned. The perfect combination between the satinized backgrounds and polished decoration. A work of exclusive modernity that gives elegance to those who choose it.

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